Satpura Tiger Reserve

Famous For

Sloth bear

Special Attraction

Indian giant squirrel, leopard and adventure activities

Best Time To Go

October – May

Peak Time

December – March

The Bori-Satpura is the official name of the Tiger Reserve which is an ideal destination for anyone who is a keen wildlife enthusiast. It is a great place to be one with nature, to just breathe jungle air and marvel at the sights and sounds. The Bori-Satpura Tiger Reserve lies in the Mahadeo Hills of the Satpura range in the southern parts of the Central Indian Highlands of Madhya Pradesh. The fascinating deep valleys, narrow gorges, cascading waterfalls and rich vegetation of the Bori-Satpura Tiger Reserve represent nature at its very best. It is not surprising that the park has one of the largest wildlife densities in India.

Here, patrons can explore true wilderness without the crowd. The park offers a diverse and unique range of activities. Apart from jeep, elephant and boat safaris are also available. Satpura is the only park of its kind in central India that offers walking safaris, giving enthusiasts a ‘one of a kind’ opportunity to explore tiger country on foot. You are likely to sight leopard, sloth bear, Indian wild dogs, hordes of gaur or Indian bison, sambar plus other herbivores found in central India and if lucky the magnificent tiger.


Satpura is also the Northern most range of the Malabar Giant Squirrel. The Sheer diversity of animals, the presence of several bird species, numerous species of endemic butterflies and the luxury of exploring this 1,500 square km expanse of classic Central Indian wildlife habitat in so many different ways make Satpura a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise.
Satpura Tiger Reserve is also birdwatchers paradise. The Denwa river, which flows into the Tawa dam, provides excellent feeding tanks for migratory birds. Abundant water and bird attracting trees within the park are home to over 250 species of birds
Apart from rich blend of wildlife, Satpura has to offer some stunning topography. Deep gorges and ravines, beautiful nullahs, steep rocky hills, keep most widely travelled patrons mesmerized at all times.
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Tours to Satpura & Beyond

Things To Do

Game drives

Jeep safari are conducted in 4X4 open jeep which allows 360 degrees view. One can cover a large swathe of territory in a relatively short time, tracking wildlife through calls, checking favoured resting and feeding spots and traversing a range of habitats. To enter the park, one has to cross the Denwa river that marks the boundary of the Park. Forest department boats run a shuttle service to transfer people to the park entrance. As in all the park, forest guide is mandatory which accompanies on each safari with a safari driver. We also send our highly experience and English speaking naturalist which attempt to deliver a truly exhilarating experience filled with insightful knowledge on the flora and fauna that is indigenous to the Satpura Tiger Reserve.

Boat safari

Boat safari is another unique activity at the Satpura Tiger Reserve. The Denwa river which flows into the mammoth tawa dam some 16 Km downstream, attracts several bird species and is home to a number of Indian Fresh Water Crocodile. Patrons can enjoy the majestic view of the Satpura Range of Hills while enjoying a leisurely boat cruise. Upstream from the camp there is a nallah called Son Bhadra, which flows down all the way from Panchmari. The Son Bhadra view point, which is accessible by boat, provides an excellent view of the valley it flows down through. Boat Safaris are ideal for a leisurely evening of bird watching, crocodile spotting and are also perfect for soaking in the beauty of a canopy forest view with the Satpura Hills in the background and the sun glittering over the Denwa River.

Canoe ride

Canoeing is an absolute delight. A canoeing excursion is a must for any nature lover, birder and photographer. Canoe offers a chance to see wetland wildlife of Satpura over. Its allows to get close to birds without any disturbance. The calmness of water, interrupted occasionally by the honking of bar-headed geese or the deafening screeches of a black ibis while drifting in narrow creaks observing hordes of grazing herbivores on the shores, is a mouth watering treat in itself. And, where there are herbivores in an Indian forest, there will be carnivores! There is always a possibility of witnessing the unexpected.

Walking safari

A Nature walk within the Satpura Tiger Reserve is an activity unique to this park. People can visit the core- area of the park on foot and become one with the forest. In terms of a learning experience this activity is unmatched as our naturalists along with the forest guides intend to track Tigers, Leopards, Sloth Bear and other resident animals as an when an opportunity arises. The feeling of being in the jungle with no separation between wildlife and oneself is truly exhilarating and is an experience any wildlife enthusiast would cherish. This activity is also highly rewarding for birdwatchers and Butterfly enthusiasts who can go off road and stop-at-will for viewing the ample bird and butterfly life in the reserve.

Horseback safari

A horse safari is like no other experience. The thrill of being one with nature on horseback is unmatched and exhilarating. It allows the animals around to get more comfortable with us. Every ride is different, whether it involves seeing Spotted Deer and Nilgai inquisitively watching the horses passing by or a flock of birds breeze past gently, or the view of the gentle and slow-paced life of a classic indigenous village.

The Satpura Tiger Reserve is  characterized by beautiful woodland, seasonal streams, quaint villages, and sandy tracks perfect for horseback riding. The horses available for riding are thoroughbreds and Marwaris. Both thoroughbreds and Marwari horses are vibrant breeds to ride. 

While out riding guests can enjoy fine views of the countryside, wander through indigenous villages, and explore forested patches. The Likelihood of seeing wildlife like spotted deer, wild boar, nilgai, langur monkey, and sambar is quite high and if lucky the odd sloth bear or leopard may cross your path. The horseback rides are conducted in the private and reserve forest patches in and around the lodge. After a nice ride on the trail, guests can enjoy a well-crafted bush breakfast or a sundowner in a scenic location.

Night patrol

Night patrols in Satpura National Park offer a unique and thrilling way to experience the nocturnal life of the forest. These guided safaris typically take place from 5:30 PM to 8 PM, during the twilight hours when the forest transitions from day to night.

During a night patrol, the forest comes alive with a different kind of activity. Predators such as leopards, sloth bears, and even tigers can be seen emerging from their daytime hideouts to begin their nightly hunts.

In addition to the predators, you can also encounter a variety of other nocturnal animals. Smaller mammals like civets, porcupines, owls and nightjars are more active during these hours. The sounds of the forest at night are a symphony of calls, rustles, and movements, adding to the excitement of the safari.

Churna Camp

Churna camp is a charming British-era forest rest house located deep inside the reserve. Wildlife experience is truly amazing and you hardly get to see any other tourist vehicle since it is far off the normal tourist zones. The drive to Churna goes through various types of forest and vivid landscape. On this drive guests may see leopard, sloth bear, Indian giant squirrel, four-horned antelope, munjac and other common herbivores. If lucky, there is also chance of seeing wild dog and tiger. At the camp there is also a pair of resident flying squirrel. 

The accommodation is admittedly simple but all basic amenities like en-suite bathroom and solar electricity are available at the camp.

Near Churna camp there is a site with pre-historic rock paintings. For those who are interested in seeing these rock shelters, the early morning hours can be used to arrange a visit.

Jungle camping

Camping is another option and a unique feature that make Satpura an ideal wildlife destination. Its hilly and undulating terrain, cascading waterways, sprawling teak forests and abundance of wildlife make it ideal walking country. This wilderness in fact is the only one of its kind in Central India where enthusiasts can traverse pristine tiger country on foot.

The campsites for this one-of-a-kind and exclusive experience are located on the boundary of the core area. Using this camp as base, guests can explore the core area of the park on foot opting for either half or full day hikes. The camps are setup on the banks of Denwa river overlooking hills and forest.

Guests can also opt to do a night drive in the buffer area on one of the evenings. There are several options and a specific program can be designed based on your requirement. From 1 night camping to 2 nights and 3 days treks can be designed.

Best time to visit

As the rains taper off and temperatures begin to drop, the weather in Satpura Tiger Reserve becomes mild and pleasant. This is an excellent time to visit as the core areas of the park reopen after the monsoon. The landscape is lush and green, providing a stunning backdrop for wildlife and photography. Animals become more visible as they start moving out of their monsoon hideouts, and it’s also a great time for spotting newborn animals. Nature walks and photography are particularly rewarding during these months.

Winter in Satpura is cool and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 6°C to 20°C. This period is ideal for wildlife sightings, as animals are more active during the day in the cooler weather. It’s a great time for safaris, birdwatching, and exploring the park on foot. The landscape remains lush and green after the monsoon, creating a beautiful setting for photography. Common sightings include tigers, leopards, sloth bears, and a variety of bird species, including migratory birds.

The weather turns hot and dry. This season increases the chances of wildlife sightings, especially around water sources where animals congregate. Sparse vegetation offers clear views of the animals, making it a prime time for spotting tigers and other large mammals. Early mornings and late evenings are the best times for safaris to avoid the intense midday heat. Common sightings include gaur, chital, sambar, and predators like tigers and leopards.

During the monsoon season, the park is closed for three months. However, while the core areas are often closed for safaris, the buffer zones may still be accessible. The park bursts into a vibrant display of greenery, making it a great time for birdwatching and witnessing the flora in full bloom. Although wildlife sightings can be more challenging due to the dense foliage, insects and amphibians are most active during this time, providing a different kind of natural spectacle.


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