Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

Famous For


Special Attraction

Sloth bear

Best Time To Go

October – April

Peak Time

November – March

Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve, located at 150 kms South of Nagpur  in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. Tadoba National Park was named after the local God Taru, who is worshipped as ‘Tadoba’. Legend holds that Taru was apparently a village chief who was killed in a mythological encounter with a tiger.

The Tadoba Tiger Reserve consists of two north-south forest blocks. The core of the reserve is 625 sq. km along with buffer of additional 1100 sq. kms.

Tadoba has predominantly southern tropical dry deciduous forest, with teak and bamboo being the prominent species. It’s a rugged landscape comprising cliffs, caves, marshes, perennial lakes and boulder strewn streambeds that cater to a host of biodiversity.

Overlooked by tourism till recently because it was off the beaten track, it offers some wonderful wildlife experiences. The buffer area of the park during monsoon month offers high chances of spotting tigers.


Tadoba is teeming with life. The tiger, as the apex species, reigns supreme in the reserve. Other carnivores sharing these forests include leopards and wild dogs. Visitors may also encounter jackals, jungle cats, civets, and sloth bears. The reserve is famous for its gaur, or Indian bison, and large herds of chital and sambar are commonly seen. Tadoba is also home to the sturdy nilgai and the swift-footed four-horned antelope. Additionally, the muntjac (barking deer), common langur, flying squirrel, and wild boar thrive in this vibrant ecosystem.
For entomologists, Tadoba is a paradise, boasting 74 species of butterflies, including pansies, monarchs, mormons, and swordtails. During and after the monsoon, signature spiders like the giant wood spider and red wood spider are often seen.
Bird enthusiasts will be thrilled by the over 250 recorded species, including the threatened grey-headed fishing eagle. Other common birds in the area include the crested serpent eagle, crested tree swift, Indian thick-knee, honey buzzard, paradise flycatcher, bronze-winged jacana, and lesser golden back woodpecker.
Crocodiles are another highlight of the reserve, along with a diverse reptilian fauna that includes the endangered Indian python and the common Indian monitor. Tadoba is also home to terrapins, star tortoises, common cobras, and Russell’s vipers.
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Tours to Tadoba & Beyond

Things To Do

Jeep Safari

The Jeep Safari is one of the most exhilarating experiences you can have in Tadoba National Park. This open jeep ride, typically lasting 4-5 hours, takes you into the heart of the reserve, where the diverse wildlife thrives. The safari offers a thrilling opportunity to see the majestic tiger in its natural habitat, along with other fascinating animals like leopards, wild dogs, and sloth bears. As you traverse through the forests and open meadows, the chances of spotting these magnificent creatures are relatively high. The knowledgeable guides enhance the experience by sharing insights about the park’s ecology, animal behavior, and the conservation efforts underway to protect this vibrant ecosystem. The Jeep Safari is not just about wildlife sightings; it’s an immersive journey through beautiful and biodiverse landscapes, offering a perfect blend of adventure and learning.

Buffer drive

Buffer forest surrounds core area of the reserve to give extra protection to animals and reduce man-animal conflict. Within the buffer forest there are villages that are directly depended on forest. Wood gathering, cattle grazing and collecting forest produce is allowed in buffer area while keeping core forest entirely for wildlife. Buffer area plays vital role in conservation of forest and its inhabitants. Since core area are everyone’s preferred choice for safari, buffer gets to see hardly any tourist. It is not like buffer does not have any wildlife, there are plenty of tigers, leopards, sloth bear and other animals. According to official figure there are 88 tigers, as of August 2016 in the reserve, and 58 in the buffer forest. They just keep distance from vehicle. Wildlife sightings in buffer area are truly rewarding because there is hardly any other jeep and you can enjoy tourist free forests. We encourage our guests to visit the buffer area as a separate safari to take a break from regular core zone safari and have a very different experience.

Village visit and walks

There are numerous villages that are dotted around the reserve. The local culture and people of this region make for a wonderfully enriching experience. Village walks in the rural communities present the most rewarding experience of the everyday life of a local Gond since the tours are guided by people from these very villages.

You walk through the village at an easy-going pace which allows you to meet and interact with its residents and see life down at the village level. In the village you might see people performing long ago practices like the housewife kneeling by flat stones grinding millet, the blacksmith curving out machetes from shapeless iron, as well as the traditional healer looking for medicinal plants he uses to treat the injured or sick.

Best time to visit

The monsoon season begins in July and continues until September. During this period, the core area of the reserve is closed, but the buffer zone remains open for jeep safaris, which still offer a high probability of tiger sightings.

October and November are fantastic months to visit Tadoba National Park. After the monsoon season, the park reopens in October, revealing a rejuvenated landscape bursting with lush greenery and vibrant flora. The weather during these months is pleasant, with cooler temperatures compared to the summer heat, making it ideal for exploring the reserve.

December to February is an ideal time to visit Tadoba National Park. The cool and pleasant weather, with temperatures ranging from 5°C to 25°C, makes it perfect for safaris and outdoor activities. The lush vegetation provides a beautiful backdrop for wildlife viewing and photography.

Tiger sightings are common during this period, along with leopards, wild dogs, and herbivores like chital, sambar, and gaur. Birdwatchers will enjoy spotting over 250 species, including birds such as the grey-headed fishing eagle and paradise flycatcher.

March to May is summers in Tadoba, known for its high chances of wildlife sightings, especially tigers. As the temperatures rise, reaching up to 40°C during peak in May, water sources become scarce, and animals congregate around the remaining waterholes, making them easier to spot.

Despite the heat, this period is ideal for photography, with dry and sparse vegetation providing clear views of the wildlife. Apart from tigers, you can also expect to see leopards, wild dogs, sloth bears, and various herbivores like chital, sambar, and gaur. By mid-June one expect pre monsoon showers when it starts to cool down again.


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