Birding in the Lower Himalayas

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14 days


November – April

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  • Embark on an exhilarating expedition through the lower Himalayas in search of elusive birdlife.
  • Marvel at the rugged beauty of the Himalayan landscape, treating your senses to panoramic views of its majestic peaks.
  • Immerse yourself in a birding paradise boasting over 600 avian species, including the Himalayan griffon, cheer pheasant, koklass pheasant, great hornbill, lesser fish eagle, mountain hawk-eagle, and many more.
  • Enjoy the thrill of observing and photographing birds from the comfort of a hidden hide.
  • Explore the wilderness on nature walks along forest trails and unwind with nights spent in a secluded forest camp.
  • Benefit from the expertise of specialist guides for the journey.
  • Opportunity to encounter tigers, elephants, deer, and the elusive gharial crocodile in their natural habitats.
  • Enjoy comfortable accommodation throughout the tour.
  • Tailor the tour according to your preference.


Welcome to an enchanting journey through the untamed wilderness of Uttarakhand state, close to the Himalayan ranges! This tour is tailor-made for enthusiasts and dedicated bird watchers eager to observe and photograph the diverse avian life of the lower Himalayas. Spanning across a wide range of habitats, from high-altitude grasslands to alpine forests, oak forests, sal forests, and riverine ecosystems, all make up a home for over 600 species of birds.

Your journey commences from New Delhi, with the first stop at the tranquil landscapes of Pangot, a hidden jewel cradled in the Kumaon Himalayas. Here, amidst lush forests and pristine valleys, prepare to witness a dazzling array of avian wonders, including the majestic Himalayan griffon, mountain hawk-eagle, Koklass pheasant, and Cheer pheasant.

Continuing your exploration, venture to the picturesque Sattal, home to seven shimmering lakes that exude tranquillity. Nestled amid verdant oak and pine forests, Sattal offers sightings of species like the common green magpie, steppe eagle, fairy fantail, spotted forktail, blue-winged siva, and a myriad of woodpeckers and warblers.

The journey then leads you to the legendary Corbett Tiger Reserve, India’s oldest national park, and a sanctuary of unparalleled biodiversity. Amidst its sprawling wilderness, inhabited by the majestic Bengal tiger, Asian elephant, and elusive gharial crocodile. It is also home to avian treasures such as the great hornbill, collared falconet, great slaty woodpecker, maroon oriole, and lesser fish eagle.

As the tour draws close, you retreat to a remote corner of Corbett, where three nights are spent in a forest camp nestled by the river, far removed from civilization. Here, you can embark on leisurely walks along forest trails, keeping an eye out for otters and a plethora of birdlife, with the occasional encounter with a tiger. Alternatively, relax amidst the natural serenity of the camp, or spend time in the hide observing and photographing birds like the blue-throated barbet, emerald dove, red-billed leiothrix, Himalayan bulbul, and black bulbul.

Throughout the journey, expert guides will accompany you, unravelling the mysteries of this ancient land, and sharing captivating stories of its inhabitants and the delicate balance of nature. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure, where every moment is filled with the magic of discovery and wonder.



  • Accommodation in double/single occupancy.

  • Full cycle of meals except in New Delhi and Sattal

  • Surface transportation in a comfortable car.
  • All safari charges.

  • Train ticket in executive class

  • Services of guides

Not Included
  • Personal expenses.

  • International airfare, visa and insurance.

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